This Pineapple Basil Green Smoothie...
DISCLAIMER: I created this smoothie during the summer months but I'm bringing it back in the winter too! I've been feeling sluggish and a little low in energy in the mornings! This bright, fresh smoothie is a nice change and brings a little summer into my winter kitchen! Fresh basil should be available year round, regardless of season!
Big talk but it's true! It's my smoothie du jour thanks to fresh basil! Fresh herbs “are everything” as they say….are they still saying that? For a while everything was “everything”. I kind of hate that phrase but I feel like it's appropriate here. So here it is, and I mean it;
(Please don't look through any of my previous posts because it is possible I've said it before and in that case, me; hypocrite). Fresh herbs are the best way to upgrade any meal from good to great! Fresh basil, mint, cilantro, dill and parsley can make a huge difference. Not only are these herbs friends to our taste buds, they actually have nutritional value too! Fresh herbs are the difference between a good meal and a great one! If you have ever tried a recipe that called for fresh herbs but you decided to skip that part, the end result most likely fell a little short.

I did this for a long time. I would glaze over the fresh herbs or, worse, try and use dried herbs instead! Swapping dried herbs for fresh can work sometimes, like in soups or casseroles, but will leave you disappointed if used in fresh, summery recipes. I think fresh herbs are misunderstood and can even be intimidating. What do you do with them? How much do you use? How should they be stored? How long do they last? Here I review how to store fresh herbs to get the biggest bang for your buck and expose some secret nutritional benefits of these flavourful plants! Hopefully I can clear the air a little and encourage you to incorporate more fresh herbs as the weather warms up and especially in the summer! I'm starting with this Tropical Pineapple Basil Smoothie. A handful of fresh basil gives this smoothie a flavour makeover! Speaking of summer, this is the best time to take eating seasonally to heart. I did an article on the benefits of eating with the seasons in July's issue of Vegan Lifestyle Magazine which include making sure we get the freshest, most nutritious foods as well as helping the local community and the environment! Eating with the seasons in summer is such a pleasure and summer produce is nothing short of miraculous! So many juicy fruits, bright colours and bold flavours! This includes fresh herbs. And when you cook or prepare foods with fresh summer ingredients, you don't need to add as much other stuff! What's better than fresh sliced tomatoes with a pinch of salt and pepper or fresh watermelon on a hot day? This Pineapple Basil Smoothie is all about summer flavor- it's refreshing, nutritious and made from some of the most delicious gifts the warmer months have to offer! This weekend, go to the nearest farmer's market, pick up some basil and enjoy this tropical smoothie in the sun!

What To Know About this Pineapple Basil Green Smoothie:
Tropical Fruit-Tropical fruits are delicious but they're also higher in sugar than most other fruits. To keep sugar in check, limit tropical fruits to a few days a week and about 1/2 cup in a single serving of smoothie. Liquid portion of smoothies- Plant based milks are great in smoothies but you can save money (and a few calories) by using plain old water. Or try cooled green tea to get an additional bump of antioxidants ! Nutritional value- Like all good green smoothies, this smooth is full of phytonutrients, healthy omega 3 fats, fibre and antioxidants. Sip with confidence knowing you're doing your body good!
Tropical Pineapple Basil Green Smoothie

The BEST green smoothie with tropical flavors, omega 3 fats, leafy greens, and creamy banana!
2 cups packed spinach (or 1 cup kale and 1 cup spinach)
1 cup frozen pineapple
1 medium frozen banana
1 large handful fresh basil
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
1 tablespoon hempseed
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
3 ice cubes
1 ¾ cups unsweetened dairy free milk (, plus more as needed)
Add all ingredients to a blender and blend on high. Add more almond milk or liquid of choice as needed to reach your desired consistency. Divide between glasses and enjoy!